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we are

and why this project emerged

Through itinerant meetings, we aim to identify needs, potentialities, and opportunities to generate
interaction and processes that contribute to improving the quality of life for local communities.

This momentum to create "New Alliances for the Amazon" aims to promote a sustainable and inclusive development of the Amazon region through the integration of social, governmental, economic, scientific, technological, and innovative sectors.

The organizations involved in this initiative, namely universities, research centers, technology, entrepreneurship, technological and social innovation entities, are important agents for achieving sustainable and inclusive development towards the Amazon region's integration.

The Amazonian Meetings Pre-COP 30 – New Alliances for the Amazon contribute to the integration of the social, governmental, economic, scientific, technological, and innovative sectors to implement concrete actions in the region. They aim to identify needs, potentialities, and opportunities to generate interaction and processes that contribute to improving the quality of life for local communities.

Reaching out various locations in the Pan-Amazon region, being supported by local partners and institutions will be key. Promoting an itinerant initiative will get strength from the increased mobilization of institutions and civil society entities in the framework of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP). Its 30th edition will take place late 2025 in Brazil, in the city of Belém/PA, Brazil). 

As a collaborative process, the initiative will lead to the COP-30 meeting in 2025. During the event, we intend to promote the Amazonian perspective and knowledge, and alternative propositions for local development in order to build wider alliances and impact the international community.



By promoting dialogue between knowledge and building intersectoral and institutional alliances, main themes will be identified in order to meet the objectives of the project. These are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for example the field of bioeconomy, and the opportunities for expressing the region's cultural and natural diversity.  Special attention will be given to initiatives related to solidar and sustainable tourism, Amazonian “gastronomy”, the valorization of indigenous, riverine, and quilombola culture, and the recognition of the population's development paths implemented in this territory.

Morning / afternoon

Welcome reception and registration of participants


Opening ceremony of the event



Tabatinga (Brazil) and Letícia (Colombia )

More information coming soon

In Macapá (AP)

More information coming soon


Como participar


The events will be in-person and free, subject to prior registration, and will take place in a hybrid format, with some of the in-person activities being transmitted via digital means, according to the technological resources available at each location.

From August 10th, the call for projects and activities to be incorporated into the program will be open, in addition to the registration of people interested in participating in the event.


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